
Click me, I'm Clean!
That card is filthy, click us!

👍🏻 Phil's Goal In Life
I'm great at multitasking. I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at once.

🎮 OPINION: The Current State of Gaming
"Burn Baby Burn!"

📰 NEWS: Announcing 2 New Comic Series!
Opposites attract

👵🏻 NSFW: An Elderly Lady Winds up in Court for Murder...
A sweet old lady is accused of murder and now she is in the witness stand under oath before the English court to tell her side of the story.

👶🏻 A Woman with a 100 Kids
Somebody's been having fun!

🤢 OPINION: Don't Be Like Bungie
Gay Frog Blast the Vent Core!

🧞‍♂️ Three Guys and a Lamp
Be careful what you wish for!

    Leave Us External Links for Your Mother...

Love us back, because we said so.

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