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๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Phil's Goal In Life

I'm great at multitasking. I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at once.

    There was a man named Phil who wanted many things. He wanted money most of all. He worked day in and day out for that cash.

Phil had been laid off from his previous job and was now out on the hunt for a new one. He wasn’t very good at many things but his pursuit of gold was not going to be stopped.

And before I tell you more about his job search, here’s the thing, he didn’t want the money for the reasons most people want it, to be able to afford cool things and have a comfortable living, no, he wanted it for one reason and one reason only, he liked gold simply just for the way it looked and the way it shines. He was going to have as much as he could, it was his life goal.

And so he got a job as a software designer. He thought about Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and so it was really a no-brainer. He didn’t know a whole lot about software design so he had to have a whole education for it and work his way to knowledge about it. It was a lot but worth it for his life goal.

Once he had gained knowledge he was ready. What would his product be? It had to be something new and different from Apple and Android; it had to offer something. He thought and thought and thought for so long until one day he had an idea... a computer phone! A phone that had a keyboard within the side of it that could be left in or taken out for typing. 

When the keyboard was out it acted more like a computer and when in, more like a phone. He was essentially combining both technologies. "This is sure to lead me to my life goal," he said.

After 5 long years of research, a prototype model was almost done. He was so excited “yes, all of that sweet, shiny gold will be mine, all mine!” 

Once the prototype was finished he was ready to try it out. He turned it on it was just like an ordinary phone when he rolled the keyboard out, the screen flipped and he was staring at a tiny computer. 

“Amazing!” he thought, "almost as amazing as it's going to be when I accomplish my life goal."

He presented it at a conference and it went world-famous, he couldn’t believe all the gold he would have, and all he had to do was set his mind to it. Slowly but surely “Phoneputer” became the world’s favorite thing, he was on talk shows and everyone had one. His life goal was coming to fruition right before him.

It wasn’t until then that he realized, most of his money was not actually there in their physically but rather, digitally. He wasn’t as upset as one might think however, he was world famous and had the world's most successful product, who cares about having gold for its physical features as opposed to its actual purpose! A change of life goal for sure but perhaps a welcome one?

Fast forward some 30 years and Phil is now a rich old man. 

He looks back on his life and remembers when he wanted shiny golden money just for looking at it and says to himself “What a weird life gold that was!”

Image: © Storyteller/ ร† Firestone


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