Main highway!
Off the beaten path...

๐Ÿ›️ Christmas Shopping


 A couple were Christmas shopping at the mall on Christmas Eve

and the mall was packed-full of shoppers buying their loved-one's gifts.

Walking through the mall, the surprised Wife looked up and noticed

her Husband was no-where to be found, and she was very upset because it was meant

to be a special time shopping together.

She took her phone out of her handbag, and called her Husband,

"Where are you, honey?" She enquired.

The Husband, in a calm voice, said,

"Babygirl, remember the jewelry store we went 5 years ago?

Where you fell in love with that diamond necklace that we couldn't afford, and I 

told you that I would get it for you one day?"

His Wife started to cry with joy, and said, "Yes, I remember the store and that necklace".

He said, "Well, I'm in the bar right next to it."


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